Monday, December 13, 2010
Cute Little Shiva

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Purrs 4 Peace - Year Two - Month 5 - Thank you

This week I am pleased to highlight some very special and sweet friends from Twitter. Shiva and Jaya and their family are enthusiastic supporters of the Purrs 4 Peace project and have been very supportive friends to Confucius Cat. Jaya is pictured above- What a cutie! I hope they know how much their loving compassion is appreciated. Thank you my darling friends. Shiva and Jaya have an adorable and entertaining blog at www.shivaandjaya.wordpress.com and can be found on Twitter @ShivaandJaya. Now I am pleased to turn this post over to Shiva and Jaya so that you can meet these wonderful furry friends and their family.
We’re Purrime Ministerette Shiva and Purrime Ministerette Jaya. Outside the Houses of Purrliament we like to hang out on the couch, do yoga in our black and white yoga hammock on the heater. Our favorite TV shows include The Sopranos, CSI and The Wire and we’re huge fans of Queen and Mariah Carey.
As Purrime Ministerettes we fully support the Purrs 4 Peace initiative. There is so much misery on Planet Purrth and with purring for peace, we believe we can at least try to take some of all the suffering away. Suffering, ConfuciusCat, we know all about it. In September of 2007 we were found dumped in a glass recycling bin. We don’t know who left us there, but finally we ended up in a warm home (see http://shivaandjaya.wordpress.com/2010/06/25/the-road-to-love). The rest is history…
No, we won’t meow any politics with you. We believe it’s very important to change Planet Purrth for the better, but we would never be able to do that without the support of our beloved furry family members! First we would like to introduce Auntie L.! She’s our one and only canine Auntie and praised for her age and wisdom. You probably won’t believe it, but she’s turning 14 soon. We love her to bits and wouldn’t want to live without her. Auntie L. lives with our grandpurrents. She had a sister who went OTRB in 2008. Auntie L. says she doesn’t miss her sister at all. She just likes to relax and be old and wise. She’s one of our best furriends.
Then we have Auntie T. She’s recently turned 4 and has been through a lot in her young life (see http://shivaandjaya.wordpress.com/2010/07/10/remembering-s). Auntie T. is a very shy kitty and would never approach anyone but the grandpurrents and us. We can kinda relate to that because we are very much like that ourselves. Auntie T. is the strong, silent type of our furry family. She gets along with Auntie L. very well. In her spare time, Auntie T. likes to steal goods from airports and is therefore known as The Wisegirl. She even made a movie about her mobstress activities (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDbcWPwo1qo)! OMC!
What can we say about the Notorious B.? No, it’s not that gangsta rapper dude! We mean our Uncle B. who is, as a matter fact, a gangsta dude, but he’s just, well, you know… Once he was a cute little cub. Then he started to grow and change into a big giant lion that not only thinks all ladycats fall from him, but he also believes he’s The Catfather (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQcD4N3b8yc). Uncle B. is the youngest brother of Auntie L. and Auntie T. He turned 2 last August. He expects Auntie L. to share her food bowl with him, which she does. If she doesn’t, he just goes away. Not really a though guy.
Our furry family brings us lots of peace and joy. We’re thankful for all of them. Next time when we purr for peace, we will purr some special honorable purrs for Auntie L., Auntie T. and Uncle B. Feel free to join us!
Bravo and thank you to all the Purrs 4 Peace purrrrrticipants who include:
@BettinaWagner; @PawPurrry; @SnowyWestie; @MedusaJ; @Pookandgrace; @CyberBonn; @JoannaVroom; @SmudgeBestCat; @Brutusthedane; @Pawsnreflect; @diddlebus; @HollieCatRocks; @Dogstoyevsky; @BunnyJeanCook; Brian Frum; @Mariodacat; Marg; K9friend; Crazykittykat1; Neyland D. Cat; Sweet Praline; Megs; Da fambly kitties; Harry Spotter; Smokey Pino (@Smokey8); Star Purrfik; Susan Ellington; Betsy Gunderson; Beaver Cat Ochoa; Bastet Sab; Marie Cat; Kate Viscardi; Cokie Cat; Chabichou Malabar du Roupillon; Mog Lickorish; Eveykitten Chezum; George Mulkerins; Jennifer Bolger; Mara Bestija; Pookey Lou; Sheila Odom; Mary La Ferlita; Lexington Thompson; Lisa Adams Monzon; Draco Marika Leonardi; Tyson Lockyer; Charlie Homer; Will Appleby; Chiara Leonardi; Thistle Fur Angel Johnson; Jasmine Johnson; Twinkle Johnson; Anja Hattenrath; Smudgie Hb Matthews; Patrizia Anzani; Angelina Leung; IcyCat Whitefur; Emily Cat; Chunks Mather; Louis Cat; Heba Cat Rady; Linda Louise; Elvis Fleksnes; Helen Melon Redshaw; Shazzer Anna; Rebecca Forrest-Pawprints; Atkinson Bubby Rose; Janet Carleton; Basil Blencowe; Ginger Meghalaya; Michelle Webster; Pretty Princess Orca; Ogden Thomas; Kelly Dugas Coveney; Krystal Grohman; Katherine Wiggins; Melody Woodall-Smith; Caroline Ashall; Terri Craig; Mandy LeKitkat Ristow; Sandra Jackson Alawine; Amanda Konzelman; Lisa Butler; Susan G. Bush; Morrigan Benton-Floyd; Kate Viscardi; Kelley Goodman; Jane Worwood; Brenda Kerr; Lisbeth West; Christelle Hoffstetter; William Davis Burke; Gato El Gris Zoff; Bianca Caviglioli; WillowFisher; Jmuhj Acat; Mojito R. Corgan; Goliath Jacawaca; Romeo Gatti; Barfi Watson; Kippy Johnson; Max Buckle; Carlzy Hutchings; Leslie Ann Ellis; Jan Meeuwsen; Willi R. Mccluney; Christine Harris; Mandy may McEntyre; Faythe Roberson Goldsmith; Frank Lampcat; Candis Catfixer; Laura Mcmillan; Sasha Koen; Snow P Brown; Arsène Le Pépère; Cats Meow; Diana Edens; Louis Cat; Michelle Stringer; Baguera jean Bigeant Haskoucet; Briar Ishooman; Bob TheTomato; Muffin Bergeron; Feria Chan; Toby Poppy ‘n’ Finn; Julz Lee; Woody Edens; Mousie Kitteh; Evelyn Murphy; Abednego Herr; Patches Meow Cat; Socks hermes Overend-tunnicliffe; Herbie Cat; Ercole Gatto; Puffin Webster; Milo Catface; Jean Gizzi Boobonivich; George Crow; Dan Scott; Cyndy Mccluney; Foggy Cato; Paula Santos; Henry Thomas Stockman; Tippi Rathke; Meghan Lamb; Annie Lucas; Charlie C. Faunch; Sam Iam; Julie Anne Stephens; Ciaran Moylan; Vancat Onlion; Minuit Et Lumiere; Georgie Laidler; Widget Cat; Alasandra Alawine; Ginger Meghalaya; Rumpy T. Drummond; Hobbes TheWonder Cat; Oscar N George Fee- Linez; Birman Bond; Katie Bourke; Cathy Keisha; One-Eye Hynes; Spookie Diosa Gris; Tuppy Glossop; Jenny Buttons TheHippo; Claire Bear Baker; Zoe Lindquist; Ami Lutkus; Chichi Persiancat; Skylar Fruffybottoms; Felisha Van kedisi; Morgan Lear Jones; Milly Fluffybum Tamblyn; Missy Rattitude; Joni Gallo; Jackee Daily; Suzi Amelia Meyers; Choco Where’zmahkittehcatnipz Marquez; Judge Thread; Alex Nancy Cowens; Fiona Jackson;Jayne Ashmore; Brenda Griffin; Kathreeya Atthakor; Annika Malino; Leah Turner; Cassandra Bull; Jennifer Marie Zeares; Yi-Jiun Chen; Mari Peippo; Lisa Beals; Kerry Blanc; Ann-Karin Vinje; Mai Liss Haugland; Tracy Manson; Irma Murray Brieve; Fiona Lickorish; Jill Buss; Robyn Dadson; Alicia ‘Kitty Meanstreak’ Lestat; Nikki Rose Waldeck; Karla Moore; Amanda M. Ciluffo; Felix Gill; Lorraine Rice; Joey Salazar-Jimbo; Wendy Morland; Ann Jenkins Jack Wagon; Helen Kallipe Smith; Sophie Hudson; Wendy House; Vicki Stringfellow Cook; Pa Hulja; Andrea Hall; Tamy Perrault; Maria-Paz San Martin; Jane Bolash Gump; Sandy Rakowitz; Melody Lie; Penni Osinski; Cat Wolf; Annemarie Devine; Raven Elise Hernandez; Robyn Miller; Deborah Ailman; Eleonora Matsumoto; Jenny Threet; Cris Marr Carey; Renee McMullen; Cathy Rabe Bass; Sugar Dial; Abady Alshamari; Lenor Elena Sabal Damun Vidoz; Bunni Gevuld; Daniele Morre; Abe Buntz; Jo Macro; Chandra Flores; Dawn Stergin; Rachel Lbrockton; Patricia Perrings; Diana Jojstrup Andersen; Handsom Wilmot; Carma Mia Carey; Tara Tia Tarantino; Chibi Nakamura; Straw Beary Stanley; Oscar Peek; Trinity Noel Gilfillan; Pawing Charity; Bonnie Gaines; Karene Brewis; Billy Justakittygambly; Jessie Brewer; Berit Synnove Dale Vardal; Sophi Mewsalot; Gata Cuca Laruca; David Adrian Charles; Starsky N Simba Catnip; Isis Villayes; Mica Maca; Jasper Green Judy Clark; Joseph Jewell; Aimee Vinciguerra; Carolyn Sanders; Tamar Arslanian; Sarah Vitez Vranic; @Louinga; @EarthLifeShop; @Tweetypie54; @Hubothecat; @Miaoow; @Danapixie; @Cool_Cat_;@callie57; @JudyGreeno; @ElizabethKoning; @BoBubbles; @inquarters14; @Shaynacat; @mssuzcatsilver; @Mulder_Cat; @flicka47; Kitty Token; @Tradertoms:produc12mas1; Rumpy T. Drummond; Sirikit Purr; Louis Cat; Horatio Canine; Britt P. Johnson; Senniug Rees; Pookey Lou; Briar Ishooman; Wes-Main Coon; @callie57; @JudyGreeno; @ElizabethKoning; @BoBubbles; @inquarters14; @Shaynacat; @mssuzcatsilver; @Mulder_Cat; @flicka47; @Tradertoms; Ingred Beaudelblinken; produc12mas1; Rumpy T. Drummond; Sirikit Purr; Louis Cat; Sharon Keenan Spiegelhalter; Horatio Canine; Britt P. Johnson; Senniug Rees; Pookey Lou; Briar Ishooman; Wes-Main Coon; @Oneevilcat; Scully_cat; @LilyLuWhoT; @greycatlady; @supernatural808; @KittyKassieCat; @ChloeToby; @Ads60nyc; @Crazykittykat1: @tabbyteztweets; @salamicat; @JustAnotherTrnd; @tiddlesfry; @Wildboutbirds; @MadLabM; @MavTheTiger; @BigWidu; @Pandafur; @GinaTheMinPin; @CheshireK; Mindy Apellaniz-Blunt; @EllaBellaKitty; @JassieKitty; @KealohaKitty; @Spike_cat; @JinJinDoggy; @PixelDoggy; @Hemmingwayscat;slywy @Karolka @ellnhank @RonSupportsYou @Pookandgrace @lisbethwest @MariahsVisions @L0veSA; Jitka Vavreckova; Peter Askin; Rebecca Spath; Sandy Fox; Mwroc Cat; Meowwie Cat; Biddie Cat; Shannon BlackCat; Sharon Patton; Robin Jaske; Leena Savenius; Marie-Louise Holmdahl and Kissen; Daisy Hawkins; Sultan Kivanc; Martha Vitez; Laurie Moore and her 19 cats; Pickle Cat; Lori Williams and Baby Cat; Maureen Birch; Maria Litra; Lily Sassymeow; Simone Purrington; Kath Henry; Alfie Sanders; Howard Worndle; Josiane Brademann; Amy Forst; Handsom Wilmot; Carole Blackwell; Lesley Shannan; Sue Hamilton; Nicole Downey Curra; Trizia Norris; Lisa Beth Hutson; Lise Beals; Katherine Owens Bosley; Chris Bush; Letisha Dior; Susan Price-James; Specer Pierre; Lenore Elena Sabal; Kimberly Lefever; April Ancliffe Crawford; Sherry Hensley Black; Debra Bean; Diana Hojstrup Andersen; Oscar Peek; Ariel Bosley; @Kyann_Zorain; @Louinga; @MarmiteMC; @Quadpawd; @ChatteMuse; @maxwellvintage ; @tweetypie54; @LastChanceMI; @MELIBABY333; @gegaard; @sabrina0008; @purrfik; @scottydsntkno; @JessieJaney; @pandafur; @martisunshine; @MaggieTKat; @ParkerSKat; @Mulder_Cat; @toughteddybear; @pawsnreflect; @CRITTERATI; @Tradertoms; @LindaPoVergara; @grrlysquirrel; @IQXS; @MiauLaGata; @MuffinTheCat1; @mssuzcatsilver; @NutmegTorby; @joeybeancat; @iamtammycat; @Pumpkinpuddy; @alxrocksh ; @StellalunaKat; @Kyann_Zorain;@Brian106sc @Hubothecat @EllaBellaKitty @JassieKitty @Kealoha_Kitty @JinJinDoggy@PixelDoggy @Quadpawd @inquarters14 @SnotfaceCritter @ElizabethKoning @ShaynaCat@CathyKeisha @Smokey8 @HollieCatRocks @grrlysquirrel @LilyLuWhoT @purrfik@henryandfriends @tweetypie54 @perrythebirman @Boomiethecat @HollieCatRocks@CathyKeisha @BuzzLucas @no_crybaby_doGs @mariodacat @JennyRosePetal@SmudgeBestCat @Boomiethecat @ChloeToby @perrythebirman @southbaygirl @konahead@greycatlady
Purrs 4 Peace - Year Two - Month 5: Peace and Health are INTERTWINED
"In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties."
-- Henri-Frederic Amiel
Mummy is busy running around trying to find me, make certain I’m feeling okay, make sure I’m resting, and checking my litter box….just a few of her activities in caring for me while I’m not feeling quite myself…. Certainly, mummy has not felt peaceful for the last 12 days (since my recurrence of UTI). Therefore, we are reprising a Purrs 4 Peace posting from last year:
HEALTH and PEACE are intertwined...inseparable. We know this on an individual scale because each of us knows that when we are injured or ill, calm and inner peace are virtually impossible. When we feel fit and well, we at least have the ability to choose a peaceful existence. Similarly, I believe health issues effect peace and are effected by peace on a global scale. Many physicians have posited that health issues are both a consequence and a CAUSE of war. In fact the World Health Organization has a program which seeks to promote peace by providing health care. And not just war. We have seen with the earthquake in Haiti, that bringing health care to the sick and injured after a natural disaster is vital to restoring calm where there is chaos.
Therefore, this week we purr for health and healing for minds, for bodies, and for spirits. There can be no Peace without Health.
2:59 p.m. Get ready to Purrrrrrrr.
3:00 p.m.
Confucius Cat say: GO!
Feel your purrs as white light of love, compassion. A great healing energy within you. #purrs4peace
Purrrrr...See that healing energy expand to envelope you and then spread into the world. #purrs4peace
Purrrrrrrrrrrrr.... See that light extending outside you, touching others. See it healing minds, healing bodies, healing spirits as it spreads. #purrs4peace
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... Imagine the powerful white light of your purrs touching areas of strife and chaos. #purrs4peace
Imagine bringing comfort, love, compassion, and healing to each human and animal. #purrs4peace
Purrrr...Imagine despair replaced by hope; sickness replaced with health; injury replaced by vitality. #purrs4peace
Peace * Paix * Frieden * Vrede * Pace * Fred* Paz * Shalom * Salaam * Om Shanti * Heddwch * Síochán * 和平 #purrs4peace
Purrs of Love bringing PEACE to the world. #purrs4peace
3:03 p.m. You can stop purring now. Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!