Today we dedicate our purrs to our beloved friends Buzz Edens and Kitty ACat. These sweet furry kids will be missed by their families and by their friends. While we cannot see them with our physical eyes or touch them with our physical bodies, we can see and feel them with our spirits. They are there...just over the bridge. We thank them for the time we had with them.
I would also like to make special note and send extra purrs to our friend Kant Deboisleduc (gorgeously handsome on the right) who is challenged with chronic kidney disease. This kind of illness and the need for palliative care can sometimes suck away positive energy. Kant and his family however, have been and remain loving and compassionate friends infusing Facebook with tremendous positivity.
The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around.... Throughout history, "tender loving care" has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.
~ Larry Dossey
More and more the power of the ability of the mind to affect “matter” is being recognized. In the last few years with all the publicity about “The Secret” and “The Law of Attraction” our ability to affect our own health with what we think and feel has been increasingly of interest. Science has confirmed the “placebo effect”. The idea that if a patient believes that a pill will heal him/her, then the pill does heal even if it’s just sugar and has no inherently healing properties. The mind does matter.
Now Noetic Science is studying the ability for the thoughts of many to affect the matter around them. According to Casandra Vieten, Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in an article for the Huffington Post:
“...our research focuses on the fundamental nature of consciousness, its interaction with the physical world, and how the human experience of consciousness can dramatically transform. We conduct basic science and laboratory research on mind-matter interactions, social science investigations of transformational experiences and practices and their impact on individual and collective wellness, and clinical and applied studies testing the real-world effectiveness of consciousness-based interventions.”
Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cassandra-vieten/what-is-noetic-science_b_287779.html
Our purrs can heal ourselves. Our purrs can heal our friends and family members. Our purrs can heal the world.
11:59 a.m. Get ready to Purrrrrrrr.
12:00 p.m.
Confucius Cat say: GO!
Purrrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, Feel your purrs as a warm, healing glow within you.
Purrrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, purrrrr... Purrrrrrrrrrrrr.... See that glow increase to a purifying fire, burning away any sickness, disease, any imperfection in your body.
Purrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, purrrr, purr
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Imagine the healing power of your purrs spreading first to one body then to another; All who are sick, human and animal, are miraculously healed as the power of your purrs touches them.
Purrrr.... Imagine the fire of your healing purrs spreading to your friends and family members. As health is infused into each body they feel young, vital, flexible, energetic.
Purrrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, purrrrr, purrrr, purrrr, purrrrr, purrrr,...... Imagine the healing fire spreading and burning through the world, burning away sickness, burning away disease, burning away imperfection.
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... Scientists, doctors, healers...all inspired to breakthroughs in the treatment and cure of disease. New cures are discovered. Holistic and nontraditional treatments and cures are recognized as valid.
Purrrrrrrrrrrrr......Those who are grieving for the loss of their friends or family members - They are comforted as compassion flows over them, they are soothed as caring surrounds them, they are at peace as love envelops them.
Peace * Paix * Frieden * Vrede * Pace * Paz * Shalom * Salaam * Om Shanti
For the longest of time, I have known that your frame of mind can have an effect on your body or even produce results. Whether those results are positive or negative in nature is up to us. I will purr that people become enlightened to the great power that we have to cause positive results not only for ourselves but for others too. I will be purring with others. Signed: Smokey8 fr Twitter
We're behind again and didn't realize you had just lost two friends, which made this week's prayer for peace very special to you.
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