For the first month in year two of Purrs 4 Peace I am happy to express my special thanks to some very special supporters of the project: Will Appleby and his family who purr from their home in Illinois, United States.
Will’s humans, Don & Maria have been married for twenty years (wow- that is an example of loving commitment to admire in this time of temporary relationships.) Although Don & Maria have no human children they have a large family of furry ones which includes the very handsome Will (photo above), Alaskan Malamute Sasha and 19 other cats (who have all been fully vetted. Will and his brother Andy and Toby for instance were rescued and then hand-raised after being dumped in a trash can as day old kittens.
It all began in 1993 when, after they left the military, Don & Maria began taking in feral cats and strays as well as foster animals who for one reason or another never went to another home.
It is particularly appropriate to highlight them this month when we purr in support of the human and animal right of LIFE. I am awestruck at the generosity of spirit, the abundance of love and the wondrous humanity that it takes to provide LIFE to so many of our feline brethren who might otherwise have perished in shelters or in the wild.
Over half of the 19 cats are over the age of 15 years. One is mostly blind, one is profoundly deaf, one is crippled, one has a neurological disorder and one is crippled. (Awww. What marvelous humans these must be to care for special needs kitties).
Will and his family blog on Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, promoting good will, raising awareness for important causes, conducting prayer circles for those in need and making memorials for those who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. The purrs and prayers of Will and his family were much appreciated by me during my recent health crisis. The support was so vital to me and mum.
Thank you dear friends not only for your support of the Purrs 4 Peace project and the friendship you’ve shown me, but also for creating a living example of the kind of compassionate, loving and thoughtful beings this world needs in order for PEACE to prevail.
Next month (September 5th) I will begin listing individual participants in YEAR TWO. For now please accept my abundant thanks to all those that participated. Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace and love to all.
Peace * Paix * Frieden * Vrede * Pace * Fred* Paz * Shalom * Salaam * Om Shanti * Heddwch * Síochán * 和平