Each of us may purr alone and our homes, our humans, our world is made better. But when we purr together the power of those purrs is magnified a thousand fold. This week the waves of love and calm from your purrs were enormous. We created a veritable tsunami of PEACE.
Special thanks this week go to good friend Mary La Ferlita and her gorgeous cats Orsetto & Lindina (pictured left), who’s loving and beautiful purrs come from their home in Milan, Italy. The sweetness of Mary is evident in all her Facebook posts. She has an obvious humanitarian point of view in political matters when it comes to supporting human and animal rights. Mary has thoughtfully helped promote Purrs 4 Peace by posting notice on her own page. On a personal note, Mary is one of my first friends on Facebook and the comments she leaves for me are always encouraging, supportive and filled with enlightenment. She is very gentle in correcting my bad attempts at conversing in Italian. I want her to know that her friendship is much appreciated. My Italian is nowhere near as good as her English so I will only say: Grazie mille.
Thank you to every purrticipant. The following is my best list. Please forgive me if I have somehow missed your name (or worse... misspelled it). Let me know, however, since I want to thank you personally:
@LadyCat3 (Wisconsin, U.S.); Angelina Leung (Hong Kong); Bas Tet Sab; Judy Pewperlittle (Indiana, U.S.); Tippy Kat; Bigpuss Crow (Heaven); Chubs Oaks (North Carolina, U.S.); Thistle ‘Tabs’cat Johnson (West Midlands, U.K.); Jasmine ‘Jazzy’ Johnson (West Midlands U.K.); Shenaenae Reilly (Oregon, U.S.); Tepú Camacho Rodriguez; Kitty Token; Debbie Tudor-Davies (Manchester, U.K.); Dominique Mulkeirins (France); Michelle Knight; Mel Sanso and her cats (Georgia, U.S.); Atkinson Bubby Rose (Alberta, Canada);Jennifer Fisher (NY, U.S.); Amanda Konzelman (Ontario,Canada); Paula Blindee (Quebec, Canada); Poppy N Wiskey; Jinx Lazorek; Thomas Johnson (West Midlands, U.K.); Smokes Squeezyt Johnson (West Midlands, U.K.); Brittany Bazemore;Caroline Rosebery; Marie Wilkes (Sheffield, U.K.); Eric Robertson; Cathy Troy Bailey, Blaze, Solo and Itty Bitty Kitty; Bill Koukmenides (Australia); Sparky Earnest MacDonald (South Africa) Diana Edens (Texas, U.S.); Silja Larsen; Sparky Cat (Kentucky, U.S.); Emma-Charlie Cat (London, U.K.); Fiona Lickorish (U.K.); Buzz Edens; Jo Macro (London, U.K.) Gui Nness; Galushka Rediviva (Spain); Debbie ‘Lawton’ Mildenstein (Newcastle, U.K.); Woody Edens; Alicia Lestat; Caroline Ashall; Lenore Elena Sabal (Pennsylvania, U.S.); Colin Redmond (Ireland); Karla Moore (Iowa, U.S.); Patrizia Anzani (Italy); Chunks Mather (Weymouth, U.K.); Pinky, Ash & Boo (U.S.); Basil Anthony Blencowe (West Midlands, U.K.); BootBlack WhiskerPants; @Pasta_the_cat; Dominik Tanguay (Montreal, Canada); Janet Carleton and Mozartdane (West Virginia, U.S); Keiko and Luna T Katt (Connecticut, U.S.); @CheshireK; @orangecatblues; Karyn and the 24 cats and 40 kittens of animeals; The Sanjee and the hotties @Hotmbc; @BrucetheCat; The Cyclone Cats; DazeyJesseConner Cloud and their family; KC; Anne-Sophie Lesgourgues (France).@JoannaV40; @Aclockworktoad; @smudgebestcat; @norwoodsworld; Feria Chan in Hong Kong with her eleven cats (China); Topaz and her mummy @grrlysquirrel; @Maurice_the_cat & Kajsa; The Island Cats (Michigan, U.S.); Christine Harris (Manchester, U.K.);Lopy; Micco Huginn; Kritter Kommunity; Skizzetto Felis (Italy); @Kitty_rescue; @prmros (Fiji); Lao Tzu, Confucious, Professor, Mencius and Felix @KittyBoutique; @Kat5rescue; @victortabbycat (Wisconsin, U.S.); @RRcatty (Oklahoma, U.S.); Agnes Straysalot; Marie Cat-Harbec; Bobbi Mccluney; Our family Cat-a-blog kitties; Kit Oakes (Averett); Heidi Poels; Terri Craig (Toronto, Canada); Mandy Lekitkat Ristow (South Africa); Natalie von Loenfeldt (U.S.); Gato El Gris Zoff; Willow Fisher (London, U.K.); @Cathykeisha; Chiara Mandel (Germany); Baron Von Cat; Cricket Salviati (San Diego, CA); Dust Cassavetes; Luke Screenwalker (Cedar Rapids, IA); Neko Blue Russian (Venezuela); Britt Johnson and her 10 cats (West Midlands, U.K.); Arsène Le Pépère (France); @JinJinDoggy; @Javatyger; Kippy Johnson; Mara Beštija and her family (Serbia); Carlzy Hutchings (London, U.K.); Willi Mccluney; Al Ryan (Wales, U.K.); Christin Harris (Manchester, U.K.); Roo Pringle (London, U.K.); Biddie Cat Salsberg (Washington, D.C.); Milla DeMillis (Italy); Maureen Birch (Pennsylvania, U.S.); La Canela (Santiago, Chile); Sasha Koen (Serbia); Barbara Feline; Bonnie Vasseur (Santa Cruz, CA); Mog Likorish (U.K.); Sooty Surtees; Elvis Fleksnes (Norway); Birger von Cat; Pookey Lou (Edmonton, Canada); Muffin Bergeron (Montreal, Canada); Toy Poppy ‘n’ Finn; Merlin Cat (Sheffield, U.K.); Socks Hercules Overend Tunnicliffe (Sheffield, U.K.); Herbie Cat (Maryland, U.S.); Ercole Gatto; Fifi Prettypaws; Cats Blackie (California, U.S.); George Crow (London, U.K.); Chabichou Libis (France); Emily Cat;@MedusaJ (U.K.); @ChatteMuse (heaven); @JessieBrewer & Ophelia; @Tweetiepie54; @Quark2; @theSpatzCat; @omystarsanbones;@cokiethecat; @MizzBassie; @CJdoggirl; @catbirddog; @CelestiaKat Little Bear, Xena & Pandora; @Iammitchthecat; Imajackrussell; SeathreepeeO (Maidenhead, U.K.); @meghanlamb; @Dewey_Cat; @danapixie; @PixelDoggy; @BuzzLucas; @Maurice_the_cat; Toby, Poppy n Finn and Sonny Kirk (U.K.); Minnie Minx; Shelda Dudley. TibblesCatt; Ciribi Bel (Italy); Romeo Gatti (Italy); Beans Meowly (Cape Cod, MA); Pepsithecat Sexton (Ireland); Jacqueline Mason, Agatha and Pieface; Cats meow; Birgir von Cat; Lisa Monzon; Mousie Kietteh (New Zealand); Puma il Siberiano; Tiddles Coveney (Liverpool, U.K.); Lola Duquesene; Corky Alexander Tybalt; Djimi Buttafuko; Jo Macro; Awahoo Kitty; Zoe Lindquist (B.C. Canada); Marie Wilkes (Sheffield, U.K.); Kitty Orville (Australia); Lilli Karla Larsen; Beth Hellings (Philadelphia, U.S.); Linda Slyns (Australia); Reese; Wes; Loki the Cat; @PepiSmartDog; @mrsfishstick (5 kitties); @Brian106sc; TamTam johansen-Antonsen & family including hens, pigs and dogs (Italy); @Smudgebestcat; @Cat_Lovers; @3fatcats; Purdy Buster Garner; Joan Dakis Mierzwa (Georgia, U.S.); Randee Luria Rosenzweig (New York, U.S.); Mary La Ferlita and her cats Orsetta and Linda (Italy); Laura Mcmillan (BC, Canada); Allumette De Paris (Antarctica); Pascale Tendre Billie (France); Bigglesworth Henderson; Wilbur Wilson (Oregon, U.S.); Jet Cat (West Midlands, U.K.); Fufi Cricchi (Italy) Pénélope Raphanel-Redon; Lucius Stocker (Virginia, U.S.); Mew McKay (Ontario, Canada); Judith Scarycat (Georgia, U.S.); George Mulkeirins (France); David Cook; Vikki Parsons (Tennesee, U.S.); Kimbo Slice (Ohio, U.S.); Ingrid Beaudelblinken; William Wallace Wally; Mandy Walker; Lb Meowie (Ohio, U.S.): @smokey8; @Lexingtonthepup; @Bibi_Cat; Gray Graystone; Linda Polo-Moore Jan’s Funny Farm (GA, U.S.) Sweet Praline (S.C., U.S.); Furkidsmom (U.S.); Rusty (Michigan, U.S.); Grreta (U.S.); Beau, Beau and Angie; Wildcatwoodscat (U.S.); @CheshireK; @Pandafur; @Katnagel; @Quark2; @sidthecatahoula; @grrlysquirrel; @medusaJ; @Jessiebrewer; @Manxington; Misty Manu; Mia Amber; Buzz & Baxter Lucas (California, U.S.); Cheysuli and Gemini; Andrea Hall (Northern Ireland); Molly Read (Australia);@yibberj2; @facesnfortunes; @deepbluesealove; @felineunit; @funnyfarmgranny; @iamzorro; @mariapee; @EllenZucker; @Carto; TurtlesTunnicliffe; Alasandra, Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris (Mississippi, U.S.) Kareltje and Anya (Netherlands); Christing and Faz the cat (U.K.); Adoual Wahlu (France); Sam and Andy (Texas, U.S.); Lenny Peludus Leon Jolie (Lota, Chile); @Spencer_Socks (Ireland); Boris Kitty (Pennsylvania, U.S.); Emma Faunch (London, U.K.); Merline Felinus (California, U.S.); Tibbles Catt; Karla Moore (Iowa, U.S.); Jude Pewperlittle (Indiana, U.S.); Trillo Gatto; Sandra Jackson Alawine; Lorraine Ann Gill; Jesus Cat; Claire Baker (Manchester, U.K.); Bj Holland; Lorraine Porter (London, U.K.); @jazzydacat (London, U.K.); @deel34 (Mass, U.S.); @Joeyhollywood; @rantingteacher (London, U.K.); Khyra (PA, U.S.); @K0sher (U.S.); @Persiancatali; @linda_pettalez; @buzzlucas; @swtgeorgiabrwn; @cleopatrasaash; @lavalamplv; @pkthecat; @jennyrosepetal; Zippy, Sadie and Speedy (Wisconsin, U.S.); Eric and Flynn (Plymouth, U.K.); Sylvia Kubilus-Elam (Arizona, U.S.); Cathy Keisha; @Spikethekitten; Tyson Lockyer (Fairfield, U.K.); Baguera Haskoucet; Curly Cat (Calif, U.S.); Choneko Taka-Makiye (Washington, U.S.); @Ryker_Tyker; @Gabby_da_Tabby; Abednego Herr (Pennsylvania, U.S.); Freya Freyacat (Bristol, U.K); Cris Marr Carey (CT, U.S.); Spice Carey; Kathy Corrigan; Sandy, Aimee, Buffy, Xander, Santiago and Jeremy (dangerkitty) (Calif, U.S.); Liz Toms (Michigan, U.S.); David Greagg; Debbie Tudor-Davies (Manchester, U.K.); Charlie Cat; Vera Dalla Costa (Italy) @isagold (Australia), @bettyblu (Australia)& @wallasEkatt (Australia); Pilar Rodriguez Sanchez (Costa Rica); @Damigatas (Brazil); Momo (Sydney, Australia).
Peace * Paix * Frieden * Vrede * Pace * Paz
Goodness Confucius...that thank you list is getting longer & longer & longer!! I don't know how you keep track of everybody! Thank you for another wonderful purr-day!
your friend,
Bruce the cat:)
We purrrrrr always :)
You are really making a difference by calling attention to some very important issues. Thank you for all you do.
That is a long list! I purred and purred and purred.... and still purring.....
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