Fenris, the dog, was rescued from the Bay St. Louis/Waveland Animal Shelter on February 9, 2009. Fenris and his canine siblings had been abandoned in the woods. Within an hour after Alasandra saw his photo on Pet Finders.com, she had signed adoption papers for him. They were meant to be together, especially since his adoption date was also Alasandra’s birthday. What a great birthday present for both of them! Fenris might be a Great Pyranees mix or have some Australian Shepherd in him. But Alasandra says he’s 100% cute mutt and I agree.
In 2007 Alasandra agreed to foster two four week old kittens for the Mississippi Spay & Neuter Alliance. That is how Scylla and Charybdis came into their home. They were so tiny they had to be bottle fed. Soon Alasandra and her hubby decided to keep them. Sadly, sweet little Charybdis died in December of 2009 and is still very much missed. Her sibling, the beauteous Scylla, is doing well and happy.
Socks, a cutie pie, technically belongs to Alasandra’s youngest son. Socks was born to a cat who lives in the barn at the home of Alasandra’s parents. And last, but not least is Artemesia (What a wonderful name) who was rescued on December 25, 2009 and is a sweet little angel. She is certainly very angelic looking in her photo above.
I am so pleased an honored to call the members of this family my friends. They are a true example for all animal lovers and are a blessing to the world. Thank you my friends for your dedicated support of the Purrs 4 Peace project. And BRAVO for being a superstar blended family (i.e., blending canines and felines PEACEFULLY).
Thank you to every purrticipant. It has been impossible to keep track of everyone purrticipating from week to week. Therefore, I am including all those who have assisted with this project and will add newcomers from week to week. Thank you and BRAVO one and all!
Mwasa Mimine (France); Heather Doherty and Hazel (Mass, U.S.); Anton Hoppins; Hobbles Gonzalez; Tippi Rathke; Mocha Chip Carey; Ciarán Moylan (New Zealand); Snidely Watson; Gato Fierro Gonzalez (Chile); Michelle Webster and Puffin Webster (Australia); Polly Elgato; Bob TheTomato (South Carolina, U.S.); Sam Cat Furrycoat (London, U.K.); Evelyne Jeanette Chezum (California, U.S.); Branston Cat; Ashlee Lee (Ontario, Canada); @Mariodacat (Wisconsin, U.S.); Kat Bengalcatdomination; Chi Chi Wonder Cat (Australia); Scooby Doo Kennedy; Sheri Kline (Colorado, U.S.): Emacs Gee (Utah, U.S.); Elsie Fallualah Graves (Virginia, U.S.); Oscar Catto (Bristol, U.K.); Pantaloons La Poodle; Smudgie Hb Matthews (Leeds, U.K.); Buu Vaughn (Kentucky, U.S.); Patricia Melton (Texas, U.S.); Riško Zipser (Slovakia); Milaine Pisani (Malta); Isabelle Freitas; Lisa Butler; Cathy Green (London); Angelina Leung with Rusty, Rudy, Max & Misty (Hong Kong); Bas Tet Sab; Nipper Cat (Manchester, U.K.); Xana Herrera Garcia; Mira Mahadewi; Angel Hope Eddlemon (Georgia, U.S.); Molly W. Read; Maria Anna; Bibi Maček; Cohen Cat (Australia); Shari Lucyk (Ontario, Canada);Judy Pewperlittle (Indiana, U.S.); Tina Dubberke (Iowa, U.S); Oliver Stewart (Alberta, Canada); Helen Melon Redsaw; Tiggy Adams; Pilchard Piecrust (Newcastle, U.K.); Leah Slwinski (Swansea, U.K.); Arya Yumuk Baki; Tippy Kat; Renee McMullen; Tracy Paul; Koghi Kroket (France); Tiny Maumau; Tiger Similikitty Cat (Indonesia); Vladana Acimovic (Serbia); Bigpuss Crow (Heaven); Waffle Morton-Simpson; Aladdin Boo Turek; Moo Taylor; Lucy Pye (Alberta, Canada); Spike Wells; Lisa Kessler; Chubs Oaks (North Carolina, U.S.); Thistle ‘Tabs’cat Johnson (West Midlands, U.K.); Perris Andrews, Shadow & Slinky; Jasmine ‘Jazzy’ Johnson (West Midlands U.K.); Tiger Inboots; Shenaenae Reilly (Oregon, U.S.); Montana Brown);Tepú Camacho Rodriguez; Kitty Token; Debbie Tudor-Davies (Manchester, U.K.); Dominique Mulkeirins (France); Michelle Knight; Mel Sanso and her cats (Georgia, U.S.); Atkinson Bubby Rose (Alberta, Canada);Jennifer Fisher (NY, U.S.); Amanda Konzelman (Ontario,Canada); Paula Blindee (Quebec, Canada); Poppy N Wiskey; Jinx Lazorek; Blk Cat (Bristol, U.K.); Thomas Johnson (West Midlands, U.K.); Smokes Squeezyt Johnson (West Midlands, U.K.); Brittany Bazemore;Caroline Rosebery; Marie Wilkes (Sheffield, U.K.); Eric Robertson; Cathy Troy Bailey, Blaze, Solo and Itty Bitty Kitty; Bill Koukmenides (Australia); Sparky Earnest MacDonald (South Africa) Diana Edens (Texas, U.S.); Silja Larsen; Sparky Cat (Kentucky, U.S.); Emma-Charlie Cat (London, U.K.); Fiona Lickorish (U.K.); Skye Winkless (Leicester, U.K.);Poppy Cat; Buzz Edens; Jo Macro (London, U.K.) Gui Nness; Galushka Rediviva (Spain); Debbie ‘Lawton’ Mildenstein (Newcastle, U.K.); Woody Edens; Alicia Lestat; Caroline Ashall; Lenore Elena Sabal (Pennsylvania, U.S.); Colin Redmond (Ireland); Karla Moore (Iowa, U.S.); Patrizia Anzani (Italy); Charles Chunks Mather (Weymouth, U.K.); Pinky, Ash & Boo (U.S.); Basil Anthony Blencowe (West Midlands, U.K.); BootBlack WhiskerPants; @Pasta_the_cat; Brody Cat (California, U.S.); Dominik Tanguay (Montreal, Canada); Janet Carleton and Mozartdane (Ohio, U.S); Keiko and Luna T Katt (Connecticut, U.S.); @CheshireK; @orangecatblues; Karyn and the 24 cats and 40 kittens of animeals; The Sanjee and the hotties @Hotmbc; @BrucetheCat; The Cyclone Cats; DazeyJesseConner Cloud and their family; KC; Anne-Sophie Lesgourgues (France).@JoannaV40; @Aclockworktoad; @smudgebestcat; @norwoodsworld; Feria Chan in Hong Kong with her eleven cats (China); Topaz and her mummy @grrlysquirrel; @Hannibalcat; @BettinaWagner and Derrik the Dachshund (Germany) @Maurice_the_cat & Kajsa; The Island Cats (Michigan, U.S.); Christine Harris (Manchester, U.K.);Lopy; Micco Huginn; Kritter Kommunity; Skizzetto Felis (Italy); @Kitty_rescue; @prmros (Fiji); Lao Tzu, Confucious, Professor, Mencius and Felix @KittyBoutique; @Kat5rescue; @victortabbycat (Wisconsin, U.S.); @RRcatty (Oklahoma, U.S.); Agnes Straysalot; Marie Cat-Harbec; Bobbi Mccluney; Our family Cat-a-blog kitties; Kit Oakes (Averett); Heidi Poels (Belgium); Terri Craig (Toronto, Canada); Mandy Lekitkat Ristow (South Africa); Natalie von Loenfeldt (U.S.); Gato El Gris Zoff; Willow Fisher (London, U.K.); @Cathykeisha; Chiara Mandel (Germany); Baron Von Cat; Cricket Salviati (San Diego, CA); Dust Cassavetes; Luke Screenwalker (Cedar Rapids, IA); Neko Blue Russian (Venezuela); Britt Johnson and her 10 cats (West Midlands, U.K.); Arsène Le Pépère (France); @JinJinDoggy; @Javatyger; Kippy Johnson; Mara Beštija and her family (Serbia); Carlzy Hutchings (London, U.K.); Willi Mccluney; Al Ryan (Wales, U.K.); Christin Harris (Manchester, U.K.); Roo Pringle (London, U.K.); Biddie Cat Salsberg (Washington, D.C.); Milla DeMillis (Italy); Maureen Birch (Pennsylvania, U.S.); La Canela (Santiago, Chile); Sasha Koen (Serbia); Barbara Feline; Bonnie Vasseur (Santa Cruz, CA); Mog Likorish (U.K.); Sooty Surtees; Elvis Fleksnes (Norway); Birger von Cat; Pookey Lou (Edmonton, Canada); Muffin Bergeron (Montreal, Canada); Toy Poppy ‘n’ Finn; Merlin Cat (Sheffield, U.K.); Socks Hercules Overend Tunnicliffe (Sheffield, U.K.); Herbie Cat (Maryland, U.S.); Ercole Gatto; Fifi Prettypaws; Cats Blackie (California, U.S.); George Crow (London, U.K.); Chabichou Libis (France); Emily Cat;@MedusaJ (U.K.); Anna Vella; @ChatteMuse (heaven); @JessieBrewer & Ophelia; Melaine Pisani; Gary Simpson; @Tweetiepie54; @Quark2; @theSpatzCat; Roo Cat Reeves; @omystarsanbones; @cokiethecat; @MizzBassie; Stacey Jade Hardstaff; Harry McCatley; Velvet Dragon; Minuit Et Lumiere; @CJdoggirl; Shania Loney; Ruby Tinker Jones; @catbirddog; @CelestiaKat; Jennifer Johnson; Little Bear, Xena & Pandora; Avril Shalen; @Iammitchthecat; dimaggio Macaroni; Melisa Mjaus; Imajackrussell; Suzy Platt; Jane Bolash gump; SeathreepeeO (Maidenhead, U.K.); Gottmos Kattsson; @meghanlamb; @Dewey_Cat; @danapixie; Arja Miettinene; @PixelDoggy; @BuzzLucas; @Maurice_the_cat; Oscar Le Roux Fou; Toby, Poppy n Finn and Sonny Kirk (U.K.); Minnie Minx; Shelda Dudley. TibblesCatt; Ciribi Bel (Italy); Romeo Gatti (Italy); Beans Meowly (Cape Cod, MA); Pepsithecat Sexton (Ireland); Jacqueline Mason, Agatha and Pieface; Cats meow; Birgir von Cat; Lisa Monzon; Jean Griffin; Mousie Kietteh (New Zealand); Hollie Blanchard; Puma il Siberiano; Tiddles Coveney (Liverpool, U.K.); Lola Duquesene; Corky Alexander Tybalt; Djimi Buttafuko; Jo Macro; Awahoo Kitty; Zoe Lindquist (B.C. Canada); Marie Wilkes (Sheffield, U.K.); Kitty Orville (Australia); Lilli Karla Larsen; Beth Hellings (Philadelphia, U.S.); Linda Slyns (Australia); Reese; Wes; Loki the Cat; @Zaziart; @PepiSmartDog; @mrsfishstick (5 kitties); Brian Frum; TamTam johansen-Antonsen & family including hens, pigs and dogs (Italy); @Smudgebestcat; @Cat_Lovers; @3fatcats; Purdy Buster Garner; Joan Dakis Mierzwa (Georgia, U.S.); Randee Luria Rosenzweig (New York, U.S.); Mary La Ferlita and her cats Orsetta and Linda (Italy); Laura Mcmillan (BC, Canada); Allumette De Paris (Antarctica); Pascale Tendre Billie (France); Bigglesworth Henderson; Wilbur Wilson (Oregon, U.S.); Jet Cat (West Midlands, U.K.); Fufi Cricchi (Italy) Pénélope Raphanel-Redon; Lucius Stocker (Virginia, U.S.); Mew McKay (Ontario, Canada); Judith Scarycat (Georgia, U.S.); @ElyssaD; George Mulkeirins (France); David Cook; Vikki Parsons (Tennesee, U.S.); Kimbo Slice (Ohio, U.S.); Ingrid Beaudelblinken; William Wallace Wally; Mandy Walker; Lb Meowie (Ohio, U.S.): @smokey8; @Lexingtonthepup; @Bibi_Cat; Gray Graystone; Linda Polo-Moore Jan’s Funny Farm (GA, U.S.); @almeyda64; Sweet Praline (S.C., U.S.); Rusty (Michigan, U.S.); Grreta (U.S.); Beau, Beau and Angie; Wildcatwoodscat (U.S.); @CheshireK; @Pandafur; @Katnagel; @saylormcgivney; @Kuronekotango; @Quark2; @ladybonessa; @ragabashgirl; @Milolabradoodle; @macandfuzcat; @henryandfriends; @bubumeow; @sidthecatahoula; @grrlysquirrel; @dahliapkitten @medusaJ; @Jessiebrewer; @Manxington; Misty Manu; Mia Amber (Australia); Buzz & Baxter Lucas (California, U.S.); Pughy (U.K.); Cheysuli and Gemini; Andrea Hall (Northern Ireland); Molly Read (Australia);@yibberj2; @facesnfortunes; Evelyn Murphy (Texas, U.S.); @deepbluesealove; @felineunit; @funnyfarmgranny; @iamzorro; Chloe Woey Kissy Munchkin (Wisconsin, U.S.); Lady Tiddles (U.K.); Chloe Cumming; @mariapee; @EllenZucker; @Carto; Bim Sulokuono; Barbara Black; Kerry Jean Woodham (Manchester, U.K.); Joyce IcyCat; Nancy Aquakitty Diaz (N.Y., U.S.); Natalie La Favor; Angel Dearing; Smilla Jakobs; Frank Lampcat; TurtlesTunnicliffe; Alasandra, Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris (Mississippi, U.S.) Kareltje and Anya (Netherlands); Christing and Faz the cat (U.K.); Adoual Wahlu (France); Sam and Andy (Texas, U.S.); Lenny Peludus Leon Jolie (Lota, Chile); @Spencer_Socks (Ireland); Boris Kitty (Pennsylvania, U.S.); Emma Faunch (London, U.K.); Merline Felinus (California, U.S.); Tibbles Catt; Karla Moore (Iowa, U.S.); Jude Pewperlittle (Indiana, U.S.); Trillo Gatto; Sandra Jackson Alawine; Lorraine Ann Gill; Jesus Cat; Claire Baker (Manchester, U.K.); Bj Holland; Lorraine Porter (London, U.K.); @jazzydacat (London, U.K.); @deel34 (Mass, U.S.); @Joeyhollywood; @rantingteacher (London, U.K.); Khyra (PA, U.S.); @K0sher (U.S.); @Persiancatali; @linda_pettalez; @buzzlucas; @swtgeorgiabrwn; @cleopatrasaash; @lavalamplv; @pkthecat; @jennyrosepetal; Zippy, Sadie and Speedy (Wisconsin, U.S.); Eric and Flynn (Plymouth, U.K.); Sylvia Kubilus-Elam (Arizona, U.S.); Cathy Keisha; @Spikethekitten; Tyson Lockyer (Fairfield, U.K.); Baguera Haskoucet; Curly Cat (Calif, U.S.); Choneko Taka-Makiye (Washington, U.S.); @. er_Tyker; @Gabby_da_Tabby; Abednego Herr (Pennsylvania, U.S.); Freya Freyacat (Bristol, U.K); Cris Marr Carey (CT, U.S.); Spice Carey; Kathy Corrigan; Sandy, Aimee, Buffy, Xander, Santiago and Jeremy (dangerkitty) (Calif, U.S.); Liz Toms (Michigan, U.S.); David Greagg; Charlie Cat; Vera Dalla Costa (Italy) @isagold (Australia), @bettyblu (Australia)& @wallasEkatt (Australia); Pilar Rodriguez Sanchez (Costa Rica); @Damigatas (Brazil); Barfi Watson (Illinois, U.S.); Chiffon Mi (France); Melody Wallace (Ohio, U.S.); Jeff Cat; Jack Amoe Shoestrings (Maine, U.S.); Renoir Fausti Vallerignani (Italy); Felix Mace; Talley Martin; Shirley Sladovnik (Pennsylvania, U.S.); Rebbie Simba Milligan (Michigan, U.S.); Joey Fritsch (Minnesota; U.S.); Cyndy Mccluney (Ontario, Canada); Eleanor Vaughn; Leigh Raglan (Illinois, U.S.); wormbottom ‘oG’ Cat; Luna Roberts; Frankie Bulgaria; Sumer Simmons Vellinga (Wash D.C., U.S.); Vanessa Rosales (Costa Rica); Monty Iswhack Kota (Brighton and Hove, U.K.); Alga Prawn; Tula; @Tipy_DeVil; @ShawneeShep @smokeythepoodle; @Loupeb; @Askfisher (Florida, U.S.); Giantspeckledcihuahua; Robyn Harton and George the Duck; Shanaenae Reilly; Fidel Castré (Montreal, Canada); Mimine Morissette (Quebec, Canada); Vesna Vucic Jolic; @Morriscat (Scotland); @RascalBCool; @ForeverGinger; @ZeZoecat; Judy Meakin (Manchester, U.K.); Dc Kitteh; The 6 of Noir in Texas; @KaiserSoeze; Ludo van Doggy (U.K.); Scott Hagan aka @scottydsntkno (New Jersey, U.S.); Karen Waldron-Curtis (Maine, U.S.); @goldensamantha; @lexiloudog; @lastchancemi; @Paceset9999; @Mulder_Cat; @MaxthequiltCat; @mam1cutie; @glam_poodle; @SirFudgeesq; @Buttons_kitty; @spike_cat; @condocats; Sharon Keenan Speigelhalter, Sniffle (Florida, U.S.); @themooshies (Virginia, U.S.);@BigFatLuckyCat; @Southbaygirl Velcro & Kodack (S. Calif, U.S.); Cheshire Kitten (Texas, U.S.); Marie-Cat Harbec; @CheeeWOWa; @theartofkaren; @frugaldougal; @LittleDunkin; @Maurice_the_cat & Kajsa; Lopy; Patsy Ng; Sonny Kirk; Vicki Stringellow Coo, BunnyJean Cook ,KC (Pa, U.S.);@Scully_Cat; @MuffinandBean; @SidtheCatahoula; @ThePresbyCat; @Brutusthedane; @Lilitree, Smokey and Aurora; @nibblesandbits @mehtoole; @Marleterrier; Roméo Méo; Markus Heinonen (Sweden); @wilsonbear; @NewportVet; @Tabootalulahbel; @LadyCruella; @Jackson_bear; @MrElvisCat; @iamzorro; @purplebear; @sweetgeorgiabrown; @frutz27 and Bomme; @elviraafterall; @chrisgroove1; @thebullmonty; @spoiledminpin @Catnamedsammy; Pat Melton (Texas, U.S); Marcella Principato; @AllysonfajaradA; @winecountrydog; @CeliaLindstroA; JeanetteStjohA; @mrbasilcat; @Jennamatlock;RosettagroveA; @Clecienne;@maxicat6; @Jassiekitty @nonolo_honu; Louis Cat; @Occupant37160; China Angel Thompson; Minni-Moke Walker; Felini Mcbiten-O’fightin”; Skye Border Collie; Clare Mather (Bristol, U.K.); Suzy Green, Saffy & Lexie; Alfonsina Codastorta (Italy); Slix Ilsley; Mojito Corgan; Oslo Cat; @RosinaWilson; Aina Antonsen, Bastian & Pia; @perrythebirman; @EllaBellaKitty; @flicka47; @Petiethecat; @Marderchen; @Annabanana74; Ivan and Boo (California, U.S.); Heinrich Boobonivich and Freddy (Missouri, U.S.); Kruse Kats, Maggie, Rudy and Buster; Schadenfreude Feline; Victoria Simeone; Katie Moehrbach Eddlemon;Jamaliyah Ambia; Miagolina Rossi (Italy) Diony Cook; Bully McCat (Israel);John Franke (New York, U.S.); Cinder Nelson; Clem Kadiddlehopper (Missouri, U.S.); Fluffy Stanely (London, U.S.); Sphynx Cat Boo; Trevor Cat; Dale Francis; Cookie Cat; Pat Miller (North Carolina, U.S.); Kitty ACat; Skinny ACat; Sam Cat (Leeds, U.K.); Gypsycat Miaow (London, U.K.); Katie Starr (New York , U.S.); @bruddr; Buddy Cat; Kj Taube; @Lisbethwest; @MaddyBasset; Sarah Adams; @Pawsville; @Featherears; @Redravine; @mouseholecat; @Spacat; @mattiedog; @FriendsfurEver; @GatoTheo; @BusterConCat; @Omystarsanbones; @inquarters14; @thebruvs; @TooncesCat; @Studio_gal; @tweetypie54; @cv6majdisaster; @cocomeezer; @Puzthecat; @Emmythecat; Spud Jackson; Spicer Bicer; Meow Meow Cat; @LizzyNY; Diamond Cat; Katrina Sestakova (Connecticut, U.S.); Katie Michelle Potter; Cara OHare (Ireland); Jennifer Bolgar (London, U.K.); Alessandra Greco; Christelle Hoffstetter; @sarahmorrigan@buddybentley; @sugarsweetpoms; @ptreire (Portugal); @DannyMacRant; @ads56nyc; @jitzmak; Ville Murphy; @sweetbaboo1979; William Davis Burke; Leslie Ann Ellis ( NJ, U.S.); Wayne Sichensky; Jitka Vavreckova; Brownie Ronron (France); Willikins Cat (Australia); @no_crybaby_dogs; Meg Molloy; @drinkmoxie; @femmekatz; @CobwebDukes; @theotigsy; @swagattt; @musicincider; Bianca Caviglioli; @lilPecan; @CalyBeast; @mollsterandme; @Lilishkacat; @Babypatches; @Zepher4; @ImagineMDD; @JimmyTerrorist; Boo Meow (London, U.K.); @Peggyfrezon; Jenny Threet and Hissy Fit Jones; Rumpy D. Threet; Canelle Chopin; @PricklPinibble; Chako Aspergren; @mifathai; temmekatz (Kansas, U.S.); @duckdaotsu; @Roxy_SF; @BlueFlameDesign; @Norma09; bobtheastorian; @Chezluna; @Spookypuss; @dogdoorout; Sheila Odom; Athenswoman (Ohio, U.S.); Luluandlucky Cat; Jennifer Poole (Calgary, Canada); Mali Lee; Ollie Tosca ; Muhammad Ali Britton; Laura Lee (California, U.S.); Jeri Bretthorst (Missouri, U.S.); Kate Viscardi (U.K.); Harry Littlewood-Potter; Cáitlín Ó Ruadhán (Ireland); Smokie Wallis; Jäger Weimaraner; Sid O’Keefe; Julie Stephens; Jennifer Allen; Wendy Morland; @mizcleo; @konahead; @tipperthebear; @TikiTallullah; @hollieferguson; @pimpthecat; @DaneRay; @nycatsitter; Duchesse de la Litière; @Vally_Cat; Sandi McBride, Queen, Batgirl, Pyewackit, Hound, Sunny and Cher, Lillibet; @Coreyparrot; @Petgalaxy; @Petgiftshop;@ParisBuff; ASRanimals; @tinypearlcat; @queenrosy; @thetomtomcat; Sam Iam; @twocatstoofunny; @Quadpaw; @MisterScrubby; @BrewskieButt; @CosmoHavanese; @Abbydatabby; @AllModConz; Dooby Monty; Spot Knowles; Kathy Lovescats; Henry Thomas Stockman; @GeorgetheFIVCat; @Sparklecat; @Ryker_Tyker: Gracie (Indiana, U.S.); Artù La Pantera (Italy): Chloe Ann (Virginia, U.S.); Lotus Elise Millchristas; Crapoille Le-Chat (France); Daniele Moore (Texas, U.S.); Claire D’Oliveira; Nada Aboraya (West Virginia, U.S.); Tori Coble Warden (Ohio, U.S.); Peggy Johnson; @wetnoses:@Parrisreddog; @weaselwhisperer; @ronronovisky; @MxBellaNSabra; Izzy Dawitch; Ganesh Ganesa; Bailey McHat; @Snowywestie; Charlie Lyons (Leeds, U.K.); Jayne Jones; Pa Hulja; Sasha Bonasin; Sara McGowan; Barak Bo; Charlton Cat; Stew Granquist; Kia Thompson (Nottingham, U.K.); Vito Felis Catus (Alaska, U.S.); Rob Jenkins (Australia); Kevin Dean; Elena Black; Mulled Cider Multipass (Pennsylvania, U.S.); Ruby Jones; Tammy Morris (Australia); Gimpch Ilsley; Mel Lozano; Anders Erichsen (Norway); Annika Malino (Finland); Loewie Munchalot; Melissa Anne Pemberton Carter (Australia); Cheetah Puk; Max Buckle (London, U.K.); Hagrid Peguiron; Debbie Koons (Pennsylavania, U.S.); Angela Bosch; @missbreezysbox; Shmit Lindley; Marina Farrand (MA, U.S.); Tyson O Mallie (Wales, U.K.); Rosie Cat (Manchester, U.K.); Heather Thomas (Rhode Island, U.S.); Don Appleby (Illinois, U.S.); Merry Erlich O’Connor; Nancy Block; Kitty Potito Mumi; Claire Wadham (London, U.K.); J J Krieger Jones (Alabama, U.S.); Kristi Carlson (Minnesota, U.S.); Lucy Cabrera (Florida, U.S.); Nanci Roden; Angie Knight; Truis-Terje Torgersen; Jennifer DeBellis Gebar; Alix Melsness (BC, Canada); Penelope Shaw Ashenhurst; Ellen E Parker (Colorado, U.S.); Tracy Horenbein (Florida, U.S.); Helen Kiernan; Spo Duke (North Carolina, U.S.); Coco Cola; Maria Ware Appleby (Illinois, U.S.); Penny Patterson Ramirez; Mindi Aronson (Florida, U.S.); Stephanie Liszewski Henderson; Sheila Cave; Cathie Melling; Glenn Davis; @pantherqueen; @BrewsPosse; @Thepixelmoon; @Dogstoyesvsky; @jedbramwell; @Chainfree; @yoda_the_dog; @CathyGoodwin: @sweetsmokey; @KippyCatDayz; @piddleandpurr; @tuffycat; Juan Koolkat; @snowwhitecat; @Aylalab; @thekittenfriend; @Kealoha_Kitty; Melanie Neer; Birman Bond; Robin Harton and @Georgetheduck; Ella-Nutella Zuckerberg; Jackie Soper Watson (Illinois, U.S.); Sasha Britton; Poe Wheeler; Janis Freeman Fontana (CT, U.S.); PuffyCat Catski; Heidi Burkard; Jen Hoy (Australia); Georgia Flacatlady (Florida, U.S.); Marianne Szlyk (Washington, D.C., U.S.); Hunter Kittiemus (Washington, D.C., U.S.); Meeze Cat; Susan Price-James (North Carolina, U.S.); @Illini_honeybee; Boo-Bah’s Little Sunshines, Ruby and Pearlene (U.S.); @Colarausch; @realkingbo; @JudyGreeno: @Pontorson (Liverpool, U.K.); @Skippety; Jeremy Hoyden; Maike Liekweg Johnson (Minnesota, U.S.); Guti Ali: Delis Jimenez; Ella N Leo Cats; Abby Moon; Cath Julius (France); Oatie Slavin; Hilary Sontag; Angel Moon; Susie Korosi; Topsy N. Abby; Melody Woodall-Smith (Belgium); Petal Rose; Phillis Ayers; Jonesy Brown; Carey Stronach (Virginia, U.S.); Jak-Jinglebells Joyce; @FlickieandSammy; @mygreencat; @dogthunder; @Whskr; Polly Petronella; @TinyLucyLocket(Warwickshire, England); @Rathbonerescue; Catherine and Banjo (Canada);@Poppy_dog; @danepoes; @Santakatz; Stephanie Jampole; Pippin Lechien; Rudy Kissmus Hess; Anne Carty; Ginamarie Colorio Felker; Ani MalSoldier; Fiona Grace Scott; Kairen Brooke-Anderson; Elizabeth McMahon; Susan Holmes; Nathalie Girardin; Jeannette Boye Loos; Bistra Staykova; Carolyn Bailey; Patrizia Heck; Ann Marie Cawley; Anne-Marie Monarovic; Toni Davis; Barak Bo; Jo Ann Massey Miller; Susan Beringer Beattie; Mjean Mccullough; Heather Justus Pritchard; Neko Chu; Pissu II Bello; Ollie Stanley; Marian Hogan; Jasper Oliver; Sirikit la Guapa; Megan O’Brien; Anna Richardson; Renae Hicks Downey; Su and Keith Bigland; Patric Juillet; Rita Lenaers; Bz Tat; Eeyoraus Earthmuffin; Virginia Drake; Nan Gardner; Edward Fitzgerald; Pat Powers; Lesley Checkland-Orr; Mandy Kokani; Taru Nousianinen; Jj Kat; Howard Curtis; Pam Swan; Lisa McMahon; Susan Wakefield; Teresa Ravita; Pam Edge Davis; Mary Uhlik; Carol Cobble; @TheRealkingBo; Kathlene O’Brien; Tricia Wyse; Jennifer Miller Smith; @ownedbyacat; @avatheweirdo; @ChloeToby @laddiethemutt @Chewka_xoxo @3fatcats; Georgie Laidler (Melbourne, Australia); Faythe Roberson Goldsmith; Wilson Micio; One-Eye Hynes; Patsy Ringo Brown; Wilfred Boy-Blue; Seamus OWebster (U.K.); Oggy Run; Suzette Platt; Bertha Catherine Chan; Karen Barnett Stanley; Omen Luthu; Wolfgang William; Jennifer Green; Theresa Hynes; Wilf Fred; Paulina Lundqvist; Ann-Karin Vinje; Erika Fleet; Marina Trofin; Boysen Hedges; @SeattleP; @LeCocqArts;@Wookie_the_Dog; @MizCocoKat @dreamwithfaith; @Junni_Vet; @LeCocqArts; @lorenzagarza; @BaronVonOdem; @Junni_Vet; @marie410; @pasikas @KatieHil; @rentedmule; @tuttiftuiti_cat; RettetKaninchen; Kiya Swan; Candis Garringer; Boobithy Lawyerguy Boobonivich; Anita Robinson; Jean Gizzi Griffin; Sandrine Novel Catin Gehin; Margaret Greenwood; Cinnamon Riley; Angel Kitty Loney; Amanda Moon Mann; Sean Duff; Natalya Delahay; Phyllis Kutch Ayers; Mandy May McEntyre; Stella Lynn: Julie Morgan; Mohamed Shaibaan; Tania Lewis; Teenz-poppet Sweetcheeks Whittaker; Becky Cornforth; Amanda Kerrison; Snowy Machud; Adele Hunt-Concon; Sherrie Johnson; Monty Antlers Kotka; Deborah (U.S.); Marjorie Dawson; Catherine E. Bill along with Mowgli, Mr. Toes, Bert, Morrigan, Minerva, Rhia, Anthony, Bob, Athena, Cattus, Jessie, Chip, Mau, Iris, Ranger, Jake, Sandy, Midnight@suzy2anyone; @mizbuncatbird; @martisunshine; George Laidler and Spunky; Marie Cooper (UEA); Helen Felon Redshaw; Casey Horan; Staci Severance; Pepper Koller; Fran Salem Jakes; Jeddygirl Korosi; Nancy Vitali Nelson; Lucy OneEyed Cat; Randi Golub; Jimmy Jet Golub (Oregon, U.S.); Kristopher Hurst; Su Bigland; Gantok Meghalaya; Donna Phillips; Ted Brydges; @ShivaandJaya; Marika Leonardi; Gracie Stanley; Susie Rose; Pinky Nuckles; Elaine Banno Horonick; @Purrfik; Ruger Magillicutty; Leo Catnip Sutherland; Anthony Poodums Leo Naftaniel; Catherine (Saskatchewan, Canada); @Tototweets; Evil Elmo; Michelle Loves Ontreehill; Beaver Cat Ochoa; Puffin Webster; Virginia Ingles; Judy Chang; Maisie Moo; @ParisChien; Foggy Cato; Ann Wettstein; Marcelle Brown; Batu Kahn; @DBJdottir; @Mrkiplingwoof; @PrincessmollyBG; @GiniDiane; @JulesBeaujolais; Whitnal Imbert; Polly Fur Ball; Teggie Woodfinden; Precious Kitty Rogers; Hayley Petra Walke; Humphrey Mjaus; Laetizia -Venezia Tarnowska; Collette Tully; Harry Marushack; Kat MsExtreme: Briar Ishooman; Tamar Arslanian; @Pasikas; Katixha Kat, Monty, Homer and Spike (U.K.); @spike_says; @velvet9980; @spottyx; @DZYmsLizzy; @Agate Shadow; @Justine_Hughes; @dramaqueen0910; @Bolonee; Brenda Griffin; Willy W Wilde; Andrea Salsberg; Betsy Gunderson; Kathy Kwieran; Rhonda Rae Marcure; Chantal Leonard; Goldie Jenson; Lisa Creekmore; Spots Perkins; Jessie Raven Mansfield; Louis Ferretti; Henry O’Brendan Palser; Susan Snowdon Parsons; Jobi Harris; Joanne Rimmer; Boncy Prinicipe William; Willow Jodie Macbunny; Lisa Giovannini; Nigel Mcallen; Katie Bourke; Kevon Fletcher; Linda Smith; Hilary Fraser: Gayle Lumley; Djin Djinn; Jodi Noordyk; Snookie Doompants; Cirkeline Brustuen; Cindy Briggs; Titi Fiette; Cat Baloo; Chrissie Reid Herrick Palmer; Eva Cat; Mrheyu Newman; Berit Sorensen; Sazy Serafini; Smilla ‘n Nubi; Alvin Cat Prancer; Tuppy Glossop; Smoky Joseph; Nobby Hopwood; Bella Ambrose; Middy TheKitty; Badger BuddhaBelly Page; Rocky Chester; Pur Love; Pugsley B Nitro; Smokie King; Cool Cat; Deb Forrest; Kitty Timpanaro; Sharalyn I Jenson; Piper Provost; Lily-Lou Robinson; 米妮米; Jim Calisan; Pixie Coller; Colt Gallo; Gaylord Kipland Tanner; Linda Walker; Linda Fryer Gieringer; Ginger Lacey Parkinson; Leoski Kitteh; Jane Worwood; Amanda Jayne Dybas; Nick Briggs; Roxanne Wing; Scuppers LeCat; Sparky Tindall; Ched R Roderick Cat; Kimberly Lefever; @StephenFrysCat; @rabbitthecat; Missy_Plastic; Smokie Tom; Stimey Da Momoman; Gwen Samms; Ginger Mehalaya; @hrakane; Demandy May McEntyre; Jack Sniffy Ribs Morris; Christina Treger; Kelly Dugas Coveney; Sam Thornton; Tippex; Holly Runzer; Quincy Warner Lindsay Smith; Madeline Fudge; @JoJoNewman; Joy D Rayle; Lime Cat; Johnny Cat; Victoria Red Elk; Nelly Cat; d’Artagnan Rumblepurr; Betty Ji; Melissa Missy Kitten-Harrington; Smartie Cat; Annette MaTteo; @SofiaGoncalves; Lisa Carnevale Thompson/ Jacky Montil; Zebulon Crozier; Amadeus Brustuen; Bandit-Cat LeadbeaterFozzy Bear; Jmuhj ACat; Selena Maxine; Ce’nedraDu Ponant; Chiara Leonardi; Maura Wegman; Draco Marika Leonardi; Benny Heather; Karen Stevens; Luna Lopez Albir; Romolo Romoletto; Shazzer Anna; Boxer Cat; Stacey Mae Mountain; Ollie Morgan; Baxter McHugh Carbonara; Oscar Mayer; Tabitha Cat Wood; Wombat Blaise; Tauro Bettsocke; Winky Da Cat Lobe; Hermione Cat; Max Collins; Gilbert Callahan; Whi Sky Klemke; Yvonne Kicker; Marietta Lanza; Chris Bean; Tweets Goldkuhl; Jeanne Parker; Wendy House; Almendrita Guauf; Mandy Porter; Marcella Coppolino; Suat Keskin; Tracie Gardner; Natasha Meow Cat; Phyllis Forman; Nala Choise; Pringle Whittaker; Karma Gallo; Dharma Gallo; NorrisandNorman Mcallen; Milky Bidik; Gabriele Strobel; Crax; Bax; Sabrina Cohen; Annie Rainbow; Merlin Simba; Ginger Cripps; Jane Sandford; Mathilda Lunau; Audra Beavers; Annie Cain; Helen Applewhite; Daikie La Dodue; Jasper Cat; Leena Savnius; Semele Petitchat; Liana Minsk StClairFox; Charlie Homer; Meg Goodger; Maree Louise Quay; Lancer Brown; Lusi Lu; Sandra Hess-Davis; Jeri Lovell; April Wolfe; Amber Colburn; SPunky Boy Laidler; Charlotte Bicotte; Lyn Kirby; Catch Parkinson; Rita Djunaidi; Sharon Bouchard; Coco Christian; Derek Coller; Latte Meowser; Max Ellsworth; Lisa Cutrone; David Mac Randle; Haven HouseCats; Lisa Pickens Kerns; Louie Bambooie; Kitt Katt; Shona Campbell; Squee Ratterree; Sadie Meowsalot; Seraphina Nix; Mary Jenson; Tanja Halavac; Thomas O’Malley Wolfe; Tanja Aarjarvi; Goldie Cat; Cat Seye; Scarlett Ann; Linda Szymoniak; Barn Cat; Nikademous Vapaa; Castaway Critters; Mika Love; Jeannie Hernandez; Kitty Wolfe; Morrigan Benton-Floyd; Cherry Eakin; Daniela Fp; Ami Lutkus; Pansy Marushack; Chelsea Louise Kidson; Florence Palacios; Janice Lynn McKay; Chris Drzal Newbold; Dale Smith Eggers; Alessandra Forster; Beverly Gardner Wright; @BozziePup; @Tildatoo; @Parrotcat; @AniPalmo; @Lillytherealcat; @sweepscat713; @AniPalmo; @itsMaryB; @KittyKasieCat; @Kater_Lucky; @beaugueste; @devilOnIceSkate: @Staratiara @Alouka @Tradertoms @LouiseMrSocks; @Janicedwhs; MoMo; @MissBreeze; Prin Rivers; @Derrik_v_T
Peace * Paix * Frieden * Vrede * Pace * Paz * Shalom * Salaam * Om Shanti * Heddwch * Síochán * 和平
That was a wonderful tribute for such a wonderful bunch. Hey, did you know Scylla is my sweetie? Yep, she really is!
We are very honored to be able to help Confucius. As cats we sometimes feel as if we can not do much to change the world but you have helped us to see that we can make a difference one purr at a time. ~AFSS & Alasandra
PS: Brian is indeed my boyfriend and a real sweetheart. I am a lucky girlcat. ~Scylla
CC it's always a delight meeting the kitty/ies of your featured tory for the week. What sweeties they are.
Lovely tribute :)))))))
We purrr always we nver forget !!!
((hugs)) Kareltje =^.^=
What a wonderful tribute :).
Mr. Paws will be leading us 2day in our #purrs4peace-@itsmaryb,NC (Mr.Paws,Chico,Millie, and Tess)
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