Thursday, April 3, 2014
Thursday, June 14, 2012
I'm a Published Author
For a number of years, I've been active in this blog, and on twitter, imparting my sage pronouncements from on high. Now I'm a literary
giant with the release of a new book.
And as a treat for all my friends: IT'S FREE TODAY AS AN EBOOK AT AMAZON
Here's what the product description says:
Praise for Confucius Cat Says...
"A purrrrfect book for anyone who loves to laugh."
- Ravenous Readers
- Ravenous Readers
"Hilariously funny and wise. A must-read book..."
-Wanda Wienen Kruse
Book Reviewer
-Wanda Wienen Kruse
Book Reviewer
Confucius Cat knows all and has generously agreed to impart his wisdom to the world in this compendium of his best advice and observations.
Confucius Cat knows all and has generously agreed to impart his wisdom to the world in this compendium of his best advice and observations.
More Praise
"If you're a cat lover, buy this book."
"If you're a cat lover, buy this book."
Book Reviewer
"Fun, quirky cute book for cat lovers everywhere."
Busy Happy Mom
Book Reviewer
Book Reviewer
I hope you'll check it out while it's FREE.
Also FREE today is mummy's book FATED HEARTS which is a paranormal romance novella. But enough about that. It's ME we should be focusing on.
Go download "Confucius Cat Says..." The most important book of our generation!
Kindle book,
Monday, May 7, 2012
I'm a STAR!!
Well, you all knew that already. Or at least as my friends you humor me and let me think I'm a star. But my Mummy just released a book and I have a cameo. (The photo is me and my sister Zuzu).
ZuZu was rescued from where she was living in a bush at a nearby park. It took mummy six weeks to make her comfortable enough for mum to catch her. Now she never wants to leave us.
By the way, mummy's book is FREE, FREE, FREE, at MAY 7-9th, so I hope you'll check it out! And look for the bits about me!
The book is called IN DEEP SHITAKE. It's a humorous romantic suspense. Here's the blurb telling you a bit more about it.
Back to my favorite subject - ME! Notice the cat on the cover. I love it!!!!! Looks just like me!!!!
My cameo is about a third of the way through the book and it's a very important turning point in the action...if I do say so myself....Which I do! I put the hero through some very torturous moments while he's trying to save me. I don't want to spoil anything by telling you more. Only that mummy named the cat character Talley. Very crafty of her to disguise my name so well. Ha ha.
Mum also has a story featuring the In Deep Shitake heroine in Bullets, Brass and Babes: A Thriller Anthology. It's also FREE May 7th-9th at Amazon.
Let's Par-Tay!!!!!!!!!!
Well, you all knew that already. Or at least as my friends you humor me and let me think I'm a star. But my Mummy just released a book and I have a cameo. (The photo is me and my sister Zuzu).
ZuZu was rescued from where she was living in a bush at a nearby park. It took mummy six weeks to make her comfortable enough for mum to catch her. Now she never wants to leave us.
By the way, mummy's book is FREE, FREE, FREE, at MAY 7-9th, so I hope you'll check it out! And look for the bits about me!
The book is called IN DEEP SHITAKE. It's a humorous romantic suspense. Here's the blurb telling you a bit more about it.
Take one devastatingly handsome movie star.
Add in one outrageously sexy female private eye with a penchant for food-word obscenities.
Mix in a dose of mistaken identity and a handful of Russian mobsters.
And they're all In Deep Shitake.
Amazon - U.S.
Amazon - U.K.
Back to my favorite subject - ME! Notice the cat on the cover. I love it!!!!! Looks just like me!!!!
My cameo is about a third of the way through the book and it's a very important turning point in the action...if I do say so myself....Which I do! I put the hero through some very torturous moments while he's trying to save me. I don't want to spoil anything by telling you more. Only that mummy named the cat character Talley. Very crafty of her to disguise my name so well. Ha ha.
Mum also has a story featuring the In Deep Shitake heroine in Bullets, Brass and Babes: A Thriller Anthology. It's also FREE May 7th-9th at Amazon.
Dozens more books are also going to be FREE as part of the Spring Fling FREE Par-Tay. So check out for more details on how to get those books and win prizes!
Let's Par-Tay!!!!!!!!!!
In Deep Shitake,
Patricia Mason
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Purrs 4 Peace Thank You: April 2012
I am so pleased to introduce you to a fantastic supporter of purrs 4 peace and a lovely twitter pal. I know you'll love the story of Cheshire Kitten:
"Thanks for coordinating purrs4peace. I've been involved since the beginning, and I think it's great! Also, thanks for asking me about my story, Confucius!
By some divine mechanism, I ended up in the very best house and family for me. I was just a month or so old when the kitties noticed me making a huge racket under the house in the crawl space. The humans finally noticed the sound and tried to see under there. All my human saw was a tiny orange blur moving fast between the piers of the foundation. I found a hole that led into the garage and would sneak in to eat. The humans couldn’t get near me or I would run and hide.
Then one of the humans sat down a few feet from my food bowl. I had to get up the courage to eat while she was there because she sat there for so long. That was my introduction to meditation. She kept moving the sitting a little closer to my food bowl for the next month or so. Finally, I got really curious about her and her clothes. I would go over to her and whack her while she sat there quietly. When she stretched out on the floor face-down, I decided it was safe to check her out more closely and climbed onto her to explore. Of course, I always ran to a hiding place among the boxes in the garage or under the house. One day, I climbed right onto her while she was sitting there wearing a brown skirt with sequins.
Next thing I knew, I was surrounded by her hands. I ended up in a tiny little room and then we went in a car to the vet. I still dislike the car and the vet; I sing the entire time I’m dealing with either.
I was scared at first, but I got to know the other cats. At them time there were the wise kitties Niki and Matilda, who have gone to the RB, Becket, Belle, and Karma. The humans still freaked me out. I wrote a book about how hard it is to understand human culture, too. It’s called Please, Send Money, by Cheshire Kitten. Reggie and Nutmeg came later.
Before I was even two years old, I started looking really puny. So, of course, I kept getting jammed in a carrier and taken by car to the vet. Finally, they diagnosed fungal pneumonia, which isn’t supposed to happen around here but does for some reason. Our vet had done the research to figure out why he was seeing it. The fungus that’s supposed to only be in a pocket in West Texas turns up in potting soil. I let my human hold me while we were looking at my chest x-ray. That was the first time and she was afraid it could be the last. I also sat on her lap once or twice and even purred while I was at my sickest. I took my pills every day for more than a year, and I recovered! I didn’t let my human touch me all that time.
I’ve had some trouble with anxieties and occasional coughing, but I came through pretty well. In October, I started cuddling with my human regularly, which made her cry at first. Now, it just makes her take pictures that you can see on my blog, Cheshire Kitten Loves Karma. I have my own suite now and I get to cuddle with my humans and play with Nutmeggy when I want to. I live in peace, meditate with Robin, and practice my courage.
I love purrs4peace! It’s a great opportunity to share mindfulness with other animals and humans. We try to stay peaceful at home and to share peacefulness with our pals."
What an awesome anipal! And what wonderful humans. They are truly role models for us to follow. Bringing light into the darkness of the world. Thank you so much for being my friend and for all you do for the Purrs.
You can follow CK on Twitter @CheshireK
Monday, March 26, 2012
Cat Treat Monday: Lizzie Starr and Noid
I have a sweet cat treat for you today: Fabulous author Lizzie Starr and the handsome and inspirational boy Noid:
Have you seen the cartoon Two Stupid Dogs? I also had a miniature dachshund and Ruatha and Noid became best buddies, just like the pups in the cartoon. Noid was pleasantly slobbery and Ruie loved chasing a ball. In fact, there were times I wondered if the cartoon creators had a camera in our house!
But even more than a great friend, Noid was inspiration for a character in my fantasy romance series. In my first book By Keltic Design, Noid helps his human find a way into the Faerie Otherworld so they can join the faerie hunt. When Stephen falls in love and wishes to remain in Faerie, Noid stays with him. And becomes the brave hero many times over through the series. Sometimes I think he's the most intelligent being populating my fantasy worlds. I had a great source of inspiration!
photo collage by John Shaver |
"Thank you, Confucius Cat, for having me here today! I'd like to share a bit about this beautiful fellow. Noid was my brother's dog (he's crossed the Rainbow Bridge) and shared my home along with the bro. Noid was half black lab, the other half the result of a fence jumping black chow named Bear. Even though he was the runt of the litter, he grew into a strong, big fellow, who had nothing but love for his people. Luckily, I was easily included in his family.
You may wonder about Noid's name...the bro worked for a pizza chain at the time and their advertising icon was 'The Noid'. In my tales, Noid is named by his young human who is learning to write. He laboriously puts down letters then ask what they spell. The closest the adults could come was Noid. (As a side note--I did this when I was little, only I named a horse Cyclops. He was a great horse.)

Having an animal character gives my story people another chance to show the stuff they're made of. How they interact with an animal says so much about them--both the heroes and the villains. And a challenge to my writing skill--I had to show Noid's emotions and reactions in a realistic manner.
We miss Noid, and Ruatha who have both crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but now the household has another mini-doxi named Lessa and an aloof, tuxedo cat named Goku. And I'm pretty sure they, as well as many other past feline and canine friends, will all make it into my stories. Besides adding so much to a tale, having them on the pages to read again and again helps keep their memories in my heart."
Keltic Design
Allyn Keely, Celtic artist and friend of Faerie, finally finds a man she can love. But she’s older than he is and faces the insurmountable task of helping him realize his destiny in the Otherworld.
Successful businessman, Jaye Zeroun prides himself on his realistic, but lonely, view of life. Until Allyn knots her way around his heart and fills his life with a fantasy he refuses to believe. Then danger threatens their love, forcing him to either accept a deadly battle or lose the very things he never included in his life, a family and a love beyond his wildest imagining.
*lizzie starr's blogs:
*lizzie starr is on Twitter:
and on Facebook;
Monday, March 12, 2012
Cat Treat Monday: Alicia Street and Wallace
Fantastic Cat Treat today: Alicia Street and her fascinating cat Wallace. I already knew what a great author Alicia is, but I didn't realize she had such a handsome and interesting furry one. Now let's hear from Alicia:
In the past we’ve had more than one cat, but with Wallace, well, that just isn’t allowed. He simply will not tolerate any other furry critter in his domain. He’s one of those cats who takes over and tells you what to do.
If we’re working at the computer for too long and not paying attention to him, he’ll parade in front of the screen. Or sometimes he’ll start pulling on a kitchen cabinet door, letting it slam repeatedly until we get the message.
Wallace was a lost, little stray searching for food when we took him in many years ago. Because of that he has a slight eating disorder. Wild and stray animals have to master the art of “eat and run.” So Wallace has problems with speed eating and non-stop eating.
We think that is also why he likes so many different kinds of foods. He likes pizza, tofu and lima beans and even Mexican food. That’s why Roy decided to immortalize him on a peso. (He also likes to watch Mexican boxers on HBO with Roy.)
If we leave the kitchen before he’s satisfied, he’ll chase us down and swat our legs. And when we remind him that he’ll vomit if we feed him more, Wallace goes into the front bathroom — his complaining room — and launches into some throaty chants you’d swear were coming from his five hundred pound tiger cousins in Siberia. By the way, cats can make over one hundred different kinds of vocal sounds.
Our heroine in KISS ME, DANCER has three cats that live with her in the dance studio she runs. We’ll be releasing a Book #2 in our Dance ‘n’ Luv series plus a short story later this month."
KISS ME, DANCER (Book # 1) is a roller coaster of a romance between a divorced dad and a dance teacher.
Ballet instructor Casey Richardson takes an immediate dislike to the brash, arrogant Drew Byrne when he pulls his nine-year-old son out of her “silly” dance class. Still, she cannot help noticing his smoking hot body and bedroom eyes. A working class girl raised in the small fishing and farming community on Long Island’s rural North Fork, Casey knows all too well how easily a girl can get hurt by the notorious womanizing hunks that flourish on the South Fork in the Hamptons. Men like Drew Byrne.
The last thing she needs is for him to be the only one who can save her from losing her dance academy, the dream she has worked so hard to turn into a reality.
Unlike Casey, who’s had so many failures she calls herself “Calamity” Richardson, winning comes naturally to Drew Byrne. As head of a Fortune 500 company, he enjoys his wealth and has no problem keeping it a game with some of the world’s most beautiful women. So why should his son’s challenging, straight talking dance teacher get under his skin in a way no other female has? He tells himself it is because Casey is the only one able to bring his shy, uncommunicative son out of his shell. Or is it because he has finally met his match?
Add in a stint on a hit TV dance-off series, a cozy local coffee shop, a narcissistic rock star and a protective big brother for a sexy, heartwarming and fun read.
In addition to being part of today’s Indie movement, Alicia and Roy Street are traditionally published authors. In 2009 they received a Daphne Du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense. They both share backgrounds in the arts. Alicia spent years as a dancer, choreographer and teacher; Roy in theater, standup comedy and visual arts.
Our website -
Alicia has generously offered to give away a copy of her book. So leave a comment and you'll be entered to WiIN! Leave your email address for a contact. Thanks.
Thank you Alicia and Wallace for being here. I would love to be on money!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Cat Treat Monday: Vijaya Schartz and Jasmine
Cool Cat Treat Today: Author Vijaya Schartz and her furry baby Jasmine. Take it away Vijaya:
Cats have a way of invading our lives. It’s very difficult (for me at least) to have only one cat. After I adopted Jasmine (on the picture) from a no-kill shelter, I feared the poor thing would feel lonely when I leave the house. So I adopted a kitten from a friend author who’d discovered a feral litter in her yard. I thought little Spunky would make a good companion for Jasmine to play with. Of course, she hated the darn kitten at first sight. By the time the two learned to tolerate each other, here came a poor little orphan who desperately needed a home. We named him Bandit.
Now, I have three cats in the house. But when many homes in our neighborhood went into foreclosure, an increasing number of cats came to feed on our back porch, where we always keep water and dry food for the occasional thirsty or hungry visitor. The summers are hot in Phoenix Arizona, so water is critical. The newcomers liked the shade and the bushes of our large backyard, which constitute a cool jungle. They feel safe there, in the company of other cats. And so, the number of feline visitors increased... and increased... to about fifteen.

Now you understand why I have cats in my stories. Sometimes they are house pets, sometimes savage man killers, even alien feline monsters. You may have noticed the covers of my CHRONICLES OF KASSOUK series, with all the feline heads. WHITE TIGER won an award for the best eBook cover of 2009. In that series, a group of humans marooned on a far away planet have grown into a society that keeps large felines as pets and train them for warfare. The books are WHITE TIGER (Book One), RED LEOPARD (Book Two), BLACK JAGUAR (Book Three), and BLUE LIONESS (Book Four). The prequel, NOAH’S ARK, the story of how it all began, is scheduled for release on April 1, 2012. Each book can be read separately, but it’s more interesting to read them in the right order.

Here is what the latest book, is about:
BLUE LIONESS - Chronicles of Kassouk Book Four
In the face of Human slavery, Black Sword Captain Ariela of Kassouk must do the unthinkable. Rebel against the Mutant regime. But she cannot do it alone.
Ariela suspects the king’s death is no accident. And the tyrant who usurped the throne looks guilty as hell. As leader of the Human rebellion against the Mutant rulers, Ariela is desperate for help, and Lord Starro, the handsome Crown Prince of the Star Children, offers the technology the Human faction lacks. But can Ariela trust a spoiled, arrogant foreign prince who never fought a battle, and thinks he is destined to rule the universe? Is she trading one tyrant for another? No matter how kind, handsome, or fascinating, Starro has frightening mental abilities. And this alliance is not safe, especially for Ariela’s heart.
Blue Lioness REVIEWS:
"Wow! Talk about a real page turner! I absolutely Adored Blue Lioness. Ms. Schartz is an incredible storyteller with a very big imagination...The world building is so imaginative in this story that it just kept me turning the pages late into the night, because I was desperate to see what happened next and to see if Ariela and Starro were going to get their happy ending. If you love science fiction romance with stellar world building, and a beautiful love story, oh, and sentient big cats, then you do not want to miss this one. I for one am going to go out and buy the rest of the books in this series, and I encourage you to do so as well, Ms. Schartz is not to be missed!" - Coffee Time Romance
"Ms. Schartz's new book Blue Lioness is a fast paced and compelling story that held me spellbound from the start. I for one can't wait to read Noah's Ark, the next book in the Chronicles of Kassouk series." Fallen Angels Review (5 angels)
"Blue Lioness rips along at a great pace, and keeps you scrolling through pages on your e-reader, as fast as you can. Although it is part of a series, this one stands alone very well. Schartz has a very active imagination, reminiscent of JD Robb’s 2060 way of life." Manic Readers - 4½ stars
If you leave a comment, you’ll get a chance to win a pdf copy of the book of your choice in the CHRONICLES OF KASSOUK series. So please leave a comment and good luck.
*CC note: Very generous giveaway. Thank you Vijaya. The series looks fantastic! I'm going to go now and check it out!
Oh and you can find all my books in kindle, most of them in nook, and at All Romance eBooks and a few at Smashwords. Just follow the links under my signature line.
Vijaya's books at
Vijaya's eBooks at ARe:
Vijaya's nooks at:
Vijaya's books at Smashwords:
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