Again, this week I was reminded of how transient life is when one my sweetest and most beloved friends, Jody Nelson, collapsed. Jody suffered a cardiac arrest and although resuscitated, she has been removed from life support due to brain damage and is not expected to survive. Jody just celebrated her 51st birthday.
All though small in stature, Jody has always had one of the biggest hearts around. As long as I have known her Jody has had a full family of furry babies in her home, dogs and cats. She often fosters homeless pets...and usually ends up adopting the baby permanently. Presently Jody has two dogs and three cats: Zoey, Tangie, Laney, P.C. andTennessee. Her beloved dogs Bresa and Sabra have passed over the rainbow bridge. She is a big supporter of animal rescue and animal meals on wheels.
Jody came into our lives when she became pet sitter for my canine siblings Zoe and Zelda 15 years ago. She even christened Zelda with the nickname Zelly Belly. She was an invaluable support and help when mummy’s mother was battling cancer and when she passed. But then...that’s Jody. Always there for her friends.
Although Jody...like other friends and family members...may pass from our sight, she will never be out of our hearts. We love you Jody.
*I learned after this post that in fact Jody had passed away on March 17, 2010.
And so we purr for health for the sick, healing for the injured, and comfort to those of us who love them. There is no PEACE without health.
Week 40 of Purrs 4 Peace details are as follows:
- Week forty’s appointed time is Sunday, March 21, 2010.
- Participants should purr for three minutes commencing at 3 p.m. Eastern (U.S.) which is 7:00 p.m. (19:00 hrs.) in the U.K.
- The cat’s human staff should assist their cats with the project by stroking and nuzzling the cat at the appointed time.
- Please post your cat name and the country you purr in at www.confuciuscat.blogspot.com as a COMMENT if you are participating in this historic project. (posting a link to your own website-if you have one-is encouraged.) Or let me know by message on twitter or facebook.
- Posting purrs on facebook ( Acolytes of Confucius Cat or as friend to Alley Mason) and twitter (@ConfuciusCat) is encouraged, since it inspires purring in others, but not required. On twitter please use #purrs4peace in your tweets.
Peace * Paix * Frieden * Vrede * Pace * Paz * Shalom * Fred * Salaam * Om Shanti * Heddwch * Siochan
We will be purring with all our hearts.
I am so sorry that your friend is gone.
Confucius, our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jody during this difficult time.
The Space Paws crew will be purring on Sunday!
So sorry about your dear sweet friend Jody. It sounds like she was a wonderful loving person. Warm thoughts, Catherine
Hi: I am very sorry for Jody. It is very difficult to understand why things happen like this. She sounds like a wonderful person and dear friend.
Oh sweetie - I'm so very sorry for your loss. So sudden and so young to be taken from this world. My heart, thoughts & prayers go out to you and her family. Big HUG to you.
Oh no what a terrible shock for all of Jody's nearest & dearest. I'm so sorry for you all in your loss.
We will be purring with all our hearts. ~AFSS
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