Wednesday, July 15, 2009

PURRS 4 PEACE-Week 6 Announcement: May the troops have peace

The last five weeks of Project Purrs 4 Peace have been a fantastic success. The number of cats (real and honorary) participating have grown and have included cats in the United States, U.K., France, Italy, Serbia, Netherlands, Norway, Venezuela, Brazil, Fiji, China and more. 

When nations fail in efforts to peacefully resolve conflicts with one another and war breaks out, it is the troops who bravely place themselves in harms way on the front line of violence. The troops can pay the highest price possible for the lack of peace. Therefore, for week six we will concentrate our purrs in a new direction, toward peace for the armed forces.

Here are the details for Week Six:

  • Week six's appointed time is Sunday, July 19, 2009.
  • Participants should purr for three minutes commencing at 3:00 p.m. EDT (U.S.) which is 8:00 p.m. (20:00 hrs.) BST in the U.K.
  • The cat’s human staff should assist their cats with the project by stroking and nuzzling the cat at the appointed time. 
  • Please post your cat name and the country you purr in at  as a COMMENT if you are participating in this historic project. (posting a link to your own website-if you have one-is encouraged.)
  • Last week many (including yours truly) posted their purrs during the event on their facebook pages and on twitter. This is encouraged, since it inspires purring in others, but not required.  

As an aside I note that a recently released scientific study just confirmed what we cats have always known: we can control human behavior through our purrs. Project Purrs 4 Peace is 52 weeks of simultaneous purring by cats (and honorary cats) worldwide for three minutes each Sunday.  We CAN achieve peace in the world through the greatness of Cat. Science has proven it! 


Unknown said...

we just saw this on the cat blogosphere.

Our mama's bday is the 19th and our dad is a Man in Green! He has already spent 12 months in Iraq plus was stateside 6 months before they even left. Now they are preparing for another 1 year deployment in early spring.


The Cyclone Cats:
Conner Cloud
and their family

Brian's Home Blog said...

I will be purring too!!!

Brian's Home

Bruce said...

Can't wait for our next purr together! Come & visit me Confucius cuz I have a picture of you on my blog today.
your pal,

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

We will be dere purrin!

Oh, has yoo met Mimi hoo does tha Peace Globes? Purrin on Peace Globe day would be cool too.

Alla Us Hotties

Unknown said...

I will have 25 cats and 40 kittens purrrrring for you! This is a great project. Come visit AniMeals and see all the kittens who are participating!


Sam and Andy said...

You can count on us tomorrow, Confucius.......3:00 EDT, believe that would be 2:00 CDT....getting our purrs all tuned up today for the big event.


Anonymous said...

We is gonna be a purrin' an' we iz gonna put it on our bloggy page tomorrow, too☺ EVERYONE PURR-TICIPATE!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We saw this on ourcatablog and we will be purring tomorrow afternoon. We are three kitties from the United States.

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

We will do lots of purrs!!!! Luna and I Keiko, most fuzzy kitteah do pledge to purr until the walls shake! Your coat is so shiney, we loves your page too so are adding yous! We love new furrends too, stop and have some nip w/us sometime =^_^=

The Island Cats said...

We'll be purring in the US of A! We're revving up our purr motors now!

Buzz Lucas said...

Loud, soft, sweet, sustained purrs for peaceful hearts to create a peaceful world. Nosetaps to all.

Buzz Lucas, Beautiful Orange Feline
Orange County, CA