Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Top 5 Reasons to Jump onto the Canine Housemate.

For the first "Top 5" Confucius Cat has chosen a universal archetype of the cat life: dealing with a dog.  So here goes. 

Confucius cat say that the Top 5 reasons to jump on your canine housemate:

5. The canine begs you to play by lying down within leaping distance of the table you're lying on.

4. The humans in your house are sleeping and you're hungry.

3. A trampoline isn't available.

2. You had a lot of catnip.

And the number 1 reason to jump on your canine housemate is:

1. Because she's there!!!!!!!!


Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Them sounds like good reezins to us!
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

Pee Ess. I made sure the Cat Blogosphere got yore linky added today! Yay!

The Island Cats said...

Hi! It's nice to meet you! We saw you mentioned over at the Cat Blogosphere and came over to say hello!

We don't have a woofie housemate but if we did, those would be good reasons to jump on her!

We'll visit again and hope you might visit us sometime....we tweet too!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Confucius Cat! We saw your linky at the Cat Blogosphere and came to say Welcome!! We Twitter, too! We have a woofie brother and those are excellent reasons to jump on him!! We'll be back!
Your FL furiends,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Uh, as canine housemates to 6 felines, we aren't too sure your reasoning is correct. Unless ..... does this mean we woofies can jump on our feline housemates any time we feel the urge ... because they're there? Hey, we're starting to like this idea. Thanks!

We came by to meet you after reading about you on the CB. Hi, Confusius.

Buddy, Merci & Sam
(and their 6 housemates)

Mo and The Purries said...

Because she's there is a great reason! (so are the other ones, but that made me LoL)
Nice to meet you Confucius - will have to look you up on Twitter!
You're a very handsome House Panther.

Mo and the Purries of
Purrchance To Dream

The Florida Furkids said...

Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere! We're going to try tip #3 on our Woofies!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, we just read our canine siblings' comment. They must be joking. Or they weren't wearing their reading glasses. They got it backwards. WE are supposed to jump on them! Hehehe.

Crystal, Cotton, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron & Rusty

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those sound like good reasons. We don't have a dog at our house, so we make up rules to lay on mom! Welcome to the CB!

momsbusy said...

hi! we saw your mentioned at the cat blogosphere. we used to have a woofie but he was old and gots sick and went to the bridge. we never jumped on him cuz he was older than dirt.

yuki, kimiko, kintaro, & tt,

Mickey's Musings said...

Hahahahahahaha!!!!! WE like all those reasons!! We're cats,we don't need any reasons,heehee
NIce to meet you!! It's nice to see another House Panther ;)
I am Mickey and I am almost 16 and I am a black cat. My sisfurs are almost 6 and Tillie is a black cat and Georgia is a Tortie :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Hi, I heard about you on the Cat Blogosphere! My name is brandi. I don't have any canine housemates, but I have a canine neighbor. Her name is Lizzie and I think she is cute. I have a friend woofie named Maggie, too. Maybe it's different when you don't live with one but are only friends...

Confucius Cat said...

Hi Brandi - I can like...even love...a canine. But not if its living in my house and taking some of the attention that should be lavished only on me. Confucius Cat. P.S. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Catblogosphere! We live wif two doggies and we yikes dem purrty good. Forrest has a special relationship wif Scout. Come on over and see! You is a cute black kitty, Forrest is black, too!